3 SEO Principles That Google Does Not Want You To Know

Three quick SEO Principles you should Have an understanding of

Once I first started to work on the web I wanted to get going straight away without knowing any basic SEO principles. So off I did go writing all sorts of good but none relevant articles.

I did not have a plan and or did I put in any thought to my strategy, so guess what I had no leads coming in. It was when a good friend and my biggest mentor pointed out something to me, that things started to change for the better.

There are some SEO Principles several universal SEO laws that must be know and adhered to.

SEO Principle 1 Always Keep it Relevant

When writing content for ranking high in Google, (the only reason in my book) you must be relevant, relevant to a certain topic and only that topic.

Try not to start writing about MLM and drift of in to the topic of lets say mind set, unless you are talking about having the right MLM mindset……

The content you write must also be relevant to your target market your audience. All you have to do is find out what your prospects want and then go and deliver it to them…..EASY!

If your subject is SEO peoples websites, SEO Search engine optimization is your subject. People on- line have issues and problems that need to be solved so find the Relevant solution.

SEO Principle 2 Keep It Popular SEO Principles

1and 2 definitely work in partnership with each other. Popularity is all about how many good popular sites link to your web-site and how popular those sites are, like YouTube is a very popular. So if you had written a master piece that was highly relevant and had no links pointing back to your site, It simply will not rank!

It need to be ranking or you have guessed it NO TRAFFIC will be found…. Like an Island in the middle of the ocean.

The biggest mistakes that I made and others will also make is that they will put up some content on their blog and expect people to find it, sorry guys and gals they wont.

With any of your articles,videos and blog post you need build quality back links to all of them, so that you get ranked by Google. What usually occurs is people, including myself will link lots of none relevant articles and videos together, wondering why they are having no success.

SEO Principle 3 be Unique

Be unique with your content write your own articles and blog post. You can take your articles and video and make them unique and go further. You can do lots of things to your content to make you articles and video spread over the net.

About Sean Smith

John Smith: John, a former software engineer, shares his insights on software development, programming languages, and coding best practices.

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