Defensive Driving Is Economic Driving

You’ve probably heard that defensive driving is also economic driving. Here are some examples of how defensive driving can be defined as economic driving.

Keeping An Eye On Traffic To Downshift

The driver can predict the speed reduction by keeping an eye on upcoming traffic conditions, speed bumps such as speed bumps Jacksonville for example. It is more efficient to keep the vehicle moving slowly than to start from a complete stop.

Pay Attention To Speed Limits

In addition to the danger of accidents or fines, speeding increases engine wear and fuel consumption.

Know How To Use The Pack

Rocking the vehicle on a flat stretch of road can be used to tackle hills more economically. In some cases, the boost can also be used to roll to a stop at traffic lights. When you take your foot off the accelerator, the engines of some more modern vehicles stop using fuel, providing even more economy. Knowing how to safely take advantage of the momentum also means not wasting it with sudden braking.

By being alert to the oncoming traffic conditions, the driver can eliminate unnecessary hard braking, thus reducing the number of gear changes he needs to make and avoiding any possible gearbox overload problems.

Use The Clutch Smartly

Smart shifting minimizes the number of gear changes the driver makes, skipping gears whenever possible.

Use Cruise Control If You Have

Cruise control can be useful on long journeys, especially on highways, to maintain a constant, economical, and safe speed.

Keeping Tires Correctly Inflated

Ensuring that your vehicle’s tires are maintained at the correct pressure helps improve fuel economy, extends tire life, and reduces the chance of an accident. The driver must check them regularly.

The Value Of Defensive Driving Training

The various technological and pedagogical advances applied in courses and training have made training aimed at fleet drivers reach unprecedented levels of effectiveness. The awareness and training of drivers regarding defensive driving have shown that more than safety, safe driving brings benefits and cost savings throughout the entire operation. The continuous training of the team is the best way to make a fleet safer, more efficient, and more profitable. After all, new technologies are of little use if the main factor, the human, is not ready to apply them.

About Sean Smith

John Smith: John, a former software engineer, shares his insights on software development, programming languages, and coding best practices.

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